Power Relay Test

Use this chart to identify the type of relay, then do the test listed for it.

Relay Test 
ACC cut relay Normally-open type 
Accessory power socket relay 
A/C compressor clutch relay 
A/C condenser fan relay 
Blower motor relay 
Cigarette lighter relay 
ETCS relay 
Front fog light relay 
Horn relay 
IG1 cut relay 
IG2 cut relay 
Ignition coil relay 
PGM-FI main relay 1, 2 
PGM-FI subrelay 
Power mirror defogger relay 
 Power window relay 
Radiator fan relay 
Rear window defogger relay 
Starter cut relay 
Fan control relay Five-terminal type 
Inhibiter relay 
Left super locking relay 
Right super locking relay 

Normally-open type (Except PGM-FI main relay 1, Ignition coil relay, PGM-FI subrelay ETCS relay, Rear window defogger relay, Radiator fan relay, Condenser fan relay and blower motor relay)

Check for continuity between the terminals.



PGM-FI main relay 1, Ignition coil relay, PGM-FI subrelay, ETCS relay, Rear window defogger relay

1.Disconnect the under-hood fuse/relay box connector D (20P).


2.At the under-hood fuse/relay box side, do the following test.

PGM-FI main relay 1:

  • Connect the No. 16 terminal and the body ground. There should be battery voltage between the No. 5 terminal and the body ground.
  • Disconnect the No. 16 terminal and the body ground. There should be no voltage between the No. 5 terminal and the body ground.

Ignition coil relay:

  • Connect the No. 16 terminal and the body ground. There should be battery voltage between the No. 18 terminal and the body ground.
  • Disconnect the No. 16 terminal and the body ground. There should be no voltage between the No. 18 terminal and the body ground.

PGM-FI subrelay:

  • Connect the No. 20 terminal and the body ground. There should be battery voltage between the No. 9 terminal and the body ground.
  • Disconnect the No. 20 terminal and the body ground. There should be no voltage between the No. 9 terminal and the body ground.
ETCS relay:

  • Connect power and ground between the No. 15 and the No. 17 terminals. There should be battery voltage between the No. 6 terminal and the body ground.
  • Disconnect power and ground between the No. 15 and the No. 17 terminals. There should be no voltage between the No. 6 terminal and the body ground.

Rear window defogger relay:

  • Connect power and ground between the No. 4 and the No. 14 terminals. There should be battery voltage between the No. 3 terminal and the body ground.
  • Disconnect power and ground between the No. 4 and the No. 14 terminals. There should be no voltage between the No. 3 terminal and the body ground.

Radiator fan relay, Condenser fan relay, Blower motor relay

1.Disconnect the under-hood fuse/relay box connector E (20P).


2.At the under-hood fuse/relay box side, do the following test.

Radiator fan relay:

  • Connect power and ground between the No. 5 and the No. 8 terminals. There should be battery voltage between the No. 13 terminal and the body ground.
  • Disconnect power and ground between the No. 5 and the No. 8 terminals. There should be no voltage between the No. 13 terminal and the body ground.

Condenser fan relay:

  • Connect power and ground between the No. 4 and the No. 16 terminals. There should be battery voltage between the No. 12 terminal and the body ground.
  • Disconnect power and ground between the No. 4 and the No. 16 terminals. There should be no voltage between the No. 12 terminal and the body ground.

Blower motor relay:

  • Connect power and ground between the No. 1 and the No. 8 terminals. There should be battery voltage between the No. 3 terminal and the body ground.
  • Disconnect power and ground between the No. 1 and the No. 8 terminals. There should be no voltage between the No. 3 terminal and the body ground.

Five-terminal type

Check for continuity between the terminals.